
by Olivier Parent
Olivier Parent
Photograph - Photography
Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota) standing with a blade of grass over its head.
The alpine marmot (Marmota marmota) is a large ground-dwelling squirrel, from the genus of marmots. It is found in high numbers in mountainous areas of central and southern Europe, at heights between 800 and 3,200 m (2,600–10,500 ft). Alpine marmots survive extreme changes in weather and food shortages during winter by hibernating. During hibernation their stored fat supplies are used slowly, which usually allows them to survive the winter. Their body temperature will drop to almost the same as the air around them, although their heart and breathing rates will speed up if the environment approaches freezing point.
This image is available as canvas print, framed print, acrylic print, metal print, wood print or poster in a variety of sizes. It can also be printed as a greeting card, T-shirt, jigsaw puzzle, throw pillow, duvet cover, shower curtain, fleece blanket, beach or bath towel, tote bag, zip pouch, phone case, coffee mug, yoga mat, spiral notebook, etc.
February 9th, 2021
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